Monday, November 8, 2010

Moving on

Our waiting has seemed to come to an end. At least in this particular area. There are many other things we are waiting, hoping, praying for but not this one. Not any more.  So many answers, so much blessing.
It might seem slightly insane, especially for those out there who are in the bomb shelter phase as far as the economy is concerned. While other were preparing for a long cold winter of economical woes we were out looking earnestly for a house.  We have been looking for over a year now.  It's been a roller-coaster to say the least. 
During the summer we found one that delighted us. It was small and it would have demanded a lot of adjustments but we were eager to squeeze ourselves in and make it work. We could only do so much and no more and that was just not enough so we said goodbye to that hope and moved on. After that we found the exact house we wanted.  I mentioned it before. It was in the neighborhood we longed for, a 1940s dream and priced right for us. We made an offer. The offer was accepted verbally but never signed. The owner was nervous, not sure if she could find another place to live, not sure where to move, so many things whirling around in her mind and we whirled with them. Up and down. Thinking it was it, then definitely not, then maybe. After riding those waves for a few weeks we finally let go. We came to terms with the fact that instead of being able to run ahead we were being told to stop. To wait. Keep praying and rest.
 Well, our waiting has finally come to an end. We found a house last week that was exactly like the house I just mentioned only in a better part of that exact neighborhood and with even more to offer than the other one did.  It truly has proved to be the answer we have been hoping and waiting for for so long.
Now comes new coats of paint, cleaning, spiffing up the upstairs floor, hanging curtains, and settling in.  We move the Monday after Thanksgiving and until then there is much work to be done. Nevertheless the work is energizing. I am painting MY house, we are fixing OUR house and visions of the future are exhilarating.  This house has a history that reaches all the way back to WWII and I am very excited to add to its future with the markings of my children as they grow. We embrace the blessings we are continually given and we are finally able to dance (even if it's a slightly exhausted dance).


Kim Crist said...

Wow, it all looks so strangely familiar-especially the stairway. I remember with our first place I fell in love with the stairs the moment I walked indoors! Congratulations on finding a place! Can't wait to see the re-modeling pictures and hear about all the adventures! :)

becky said...

Mary - could you email me your new address? I'm not on facebook.