Saturday, September 10, 2011

Rain or Shine

I think one of the hardest things to do while one is pregnant is NOT to think about how long you have until the baby arrives and to realize that everyone around you has so many other things they are concerned about and your baby isn't one of them. Not that people around don't care and aren't excited at our growing family but I have just been reminding myself over and over that although the baby's due date seems to permeate my thoughts and many of my words there are so many other things I should be thinking about.  So let me just get it over with and say that I only have 5 weeks until my due date and yes I am thinking about it a lot even though my schedule has been completely crammed in an effort to keep my mind off of the inevitable arrival of our new little one.

I was provided with a perfect distraction on labor day. Ben's parents hosted a labor day party at their house and although it was a bit rainy (okay a lot rainy!) we all still had a wonderful time. I long to learn a lesson from the children who insisted on playing games-such as tag in very slippery crocs on very slippery grass-and they all had a wonderful time as the rain poured down, continuing to soak them and their unsteady turf. These conditions made tug-of-war very interesting and quite a bit more difficult than the average version. So in spite of the rain we grilled out, played games, ate watermelon and determined that this would be a labor day worth remembering.

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