Wednesday, January 4, 2012


I don't know why it is but ever since vacation ended (I guess technically that would have been this morning) I have found myself walking around in a fog. I have no motivation to get back into the routine of every day life and find myself grasping for the last few shreds of holiday relaxation. This is unusual because usually I am dying to get back into my normal routine.
One thing I have managed to accomplish is my book list for next year. As I mentioned before there will no longer be a book club to motivate me so I have taken it upon myself to motivate myself. In order to provide variety in what we were reading our book club followed the pattern of Fiction, Nonfiction, Biography. I have changed that a bit and am loosely following the pattern of Fiction, Spiritual/theological, and Biography or Nonfiction. So here is the list I have formulated so far although this might be subject to change. As I was searching for the final books to add to my list I came across several more I would like to read so we'll see.

January- North and South by Elizabeth Gaskill  (F)

February-The Reason for God by Timothy Kellar (thanks to my friends jo's recommendation)  (S)

March- Better Off: Flipping the Switch on Technology by Eric Brende  (B)

April- Precious Bane by Mary Webb  (F)

May- The Escondido Theology by Dr. John Frame  (S)

June- The Greater Journey by David Mccullough  (B)

July- The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde  (F)

August- Bonhoffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy by Eric Metaxas  (S and B)

September- Playstation Nation by Olivia and Kurt Bruner (breaking the cycle and going for NF here)

October- A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens (F)

November- Politics Reformed by Glenn A. Moots  (S)

December- The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James (I might change this to some of the Flannery O'Conners short stories and I would also like to add John Donne's poetry in the mix throughout the year)  (F)

The point of all this is that I haven't read any of these so please don't think that by putting them on the blog that I absolutely love these books. I am still striving to motivate myself to read things that I don't normally gravitate to (hence the books that have anything to do with politics :-) I would love to hear more recommendations from you readers out there on books you enjoy or think I should add to my list.

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